As I walk through the sands of time, she tries to move me - to a kinder thought, to a deeper knowing. She returns me back to earth, moving me out from beneath the weight of myself.
She guides me to a safe place to be.​
And as I forge myself through the desert, at last I see. That my mother,my home, has always been me. -Whitney Ruzzi

Whitney Ruzzi (born in 1990) is a Belgian artist based in Mallorca.
She has always been an observer of life. Trying to look for ways to express herself, Whitney explored different artistic forms, such as cinema, painting and music.
After years of creating, Whitney chose to turn her love for the arts into a profession. Her desire to connect on a deeper level with nature brought her to Mallorca. Here she explores the creative interpretation of the fusion between mankind and nature. Whitney creates to inhabit self.
Advocate for nature and animals. In support of - collab with AnimalshelterGenk / Animalshelter BrightEyes / Project Adopt / Llevant en Marxa ONG / Losing sight - Jorgo Kokkinidis
Picture by Shari Ruzzi